Hiring a Maid in Qatar
Popular Documents
- our Facebook page
- Application for maid visa
- Sponsor Transfer form
- Employment Contract
- Qatar Domestic Workers Labour law (2017)
- Hiring a maid in Qatar (step by step instructions)
How does Doha Nanny work?
We are an independent listing platform that helps families post their maid job and contact all maids listed in our nanny database. You will arrange job/hiring details directly with the candidate. We are not an agency, and as such we do not provide or process any paperwork or permits, etc.
What are the rules?
The rules about hiring a maid are often conditional. It is best to first talk to the PRO (mandoob) at your employers office. In general, the rules to hire a live-in full time maid are:
- You cannot hire a maid from the same nationality as either spouse in your family.
- Several nationalities are banned from working as live in maids (these often change, but recently have included Indonesia, Ethiopia, and others)
- You must sponsor a live in maid. Casual or temporary maids hired directly by you are not legal.
- You can alternately hire a contract maid (full time, casual, or part time) by finding a lady who already lives in Qatar on a valid visa (family visa, etc) OR from a licensed manpower/housemaid agency in Qatar.
- Qatar labour laws do not currently apply to domestic workers (though this may soon change). However, most maids Embassies do have regulations regarding a maids employment terms.
- As a maids sponsor you are responsible for their wellbeing and actions. If the maid has run away (absconded) or you are aware of any unlawful activity, you should notify authorities as soon as possible to avoid liability.
- You are responsible for providing a maids room and food, on-time salary payments, a return flight home at end of contract, annual vacation days, routine rest days, and decent employment conditions.
- Single men cannot hire a maid.
Which nationalities for hire?
There are some restrictions on which nationalities can work as a maid. In general, the most common maid nationalities are:
- Bangladeshi
- Filipino
- Sri Lankan
- Kenyan
- Ethiopian
- Nepali
What is the process?
The rules often change, and there may be conditions pending on employment circumstances and nationality of both the applicant and maid. In general the steps to hiring a maid are as follows:
- Apply at the MOI for APPROVAL to hire a maid. You must provide a copy of your employment contract, marriage certificate, an NOC from your employer, bank statements determining sufficient income (±12,000QAR/mo), passports and residence permits of all family members. You will pay a fee (±1500QAR for approval, and 300QAr for visa issuance) upon confirmation of your approval. It often takes a few weeks before you receive a response or approval from the MOI.
- FIND a maid. Your options are to use an agency or find a local maid looking to transfer her sponsorship. You may also 'direct hire' a maid from another country (however the rules and process for this are complex and vary pending on specific details of hiring).
- Transfer/sponsor the maid you choose by submitting the transfer form and required documentation to the MOI. This takes only 1-3 days once you have paperwork ready. Fees to transfer sponsorship are 1000QAR for the first time a maid changes sponsors (1500QAR for second time, 2000 QAR for third time).
- Process any required paperwork (for maids who are newly arrived in Qatar: medical exam, fingerprints, residence permit, health insurance, life/disability insurance, registered employment contract). You have approximately 4 weeks to complete this step, and total fees are about 500QAR. If you are transferring a local maid, you will likely only need to deal with insurance and employment contracts.
**You can also see our handy infographic on how to hire a maid in Qatar.
What is an NOC?
An NOC (no objection certificate), also called 'employer release' is a simple declaration from a maids current sponsor that he consents to her finding a new employer/sponsor. You must provide an NOC to the MOI when finalizing your sponsorship of a maid. It is usually written in English, but must also have an Arabic translation. A maids current employer can have the NOC prepared by a typist adjacent to the MOI Gharafa office.
How to transfer a local maid?
You can also download the sponsorship transfer form from the MOI website. To transfer a maids sponsorship you will need to provide the MOI copies of:
- new sponsors passport (yours), maids passport
- I.D cards (residence permit) for current sponsor, new sponsor, and maid
- NOC from your employer stating their approval for you to hire a maid
- Your employment contract
- NOC from the current sponsor
Can I direct hire?
Yes, it is possible to hire a maid directly from another country, but is complex and all depends on many conditions. It is best to speak to an agency or PRO about how to do this. We do not advise this process unless you have a very strong reason to do so.
Where can I get info on...?
- Where to go (map)
- Qatar Labor Law
- Qatar Sponsorship Laws
- Qatar New Immigration Law (summary)
- On-boarding a live-in maid
- Philippines Embassy department contact #'s
- Ministry of Interior english page
- MOI Immigration
- Philippines Embassy in Doha homepage
- Qatar Human Rights Committee
- Qatar Exit Permit Grievance Committee
- Visa and permit fees at MOI
- HMC medical exam for maids in Qatar
How much does it cost?
After you have paid the 1500QAR fee for approval to hire a maid, the typical agency fees are in the range of 12,000-18,000QAR. If you find a local nanny on your own and hire a PRO or agency to process the paperwork, costs will be ~1500QAR. If you find a local nanny whom is able to be sponsored and you are confident enough to submit the paperwork yourself, the total fees should be around 500-1000QAR.
How much is a the salary?
It depends on nationality, your job details, and her experience. The minimum salary for Filipino maids is 1460QAR/mo. This is what first time maids with little experience (often coming from an agency) will receive. The minimum salary for other nationalities is often lower, however employers should consider each applicants qualifications. Maids who are already in Qatar and are available for transferring sponsorship are in high demand and often expect higher compensation to reflect their years of experience, availability, and local knowledge. Maids entering their second contract in Qatar typically work for 1800-2200QAR/mo. Salaries above 2200 QAR are above average and will attract the best/most candidates. These higher salaries are often provided for maids with great English, good references or unique skills. Live out maids often work on a part time basis for 2500QAR/mo or full time for about 3500QAR/mo. These higher salaries reflect the maids increased costs of living (rent, food, transportation).
Can I hire a part-time, etc.?
Some nannies and maids may seek work on a casual, full, or part-time basis on what they call an open visa. This may occur when a sponsor no longer requires the services of a maid, or allows them to work outside of their sponsored contract. The legality of this type of work are unclear and we highly recommend you seek the advice of a PRO or legal service.
Employment contract?
This is often required by either the agency you hire the maid from or the maids Embassy. The employment contract sets out clear terms between you and the maid, protecting each of you from miscommunication and legal consequences. A contract verified at the maids embassy is often required for her to exit and return to the country. The Standard employment contract for filipino household service workers can be found here.
Typical expectations from a maid?
If you hire a maid through an agency, you will see these items detailed in the agency contract. If you hire a maid as a local transfer, you will negotiate her work terms with her directly. Based on current market conditions, most maids sign contracts that offer a minimum of one day off per week (some more experienced maids may request 1.5-2days/week), between 1800-2200QAR/mo salary, food and basic amenities, wi-fi or basic data plan for mobile, and 10-12hour work days. As with all else in life, better offers will attract more qualified applicants. Employers who provide at least one scheduled day off on the weekend are much more successful in recruiting a maid.
How do I find the best nanny?
The results of our 2019 salary survey show that most domestic helpers choose their next employer based on:
- Relationship with employer (respect and living conditions/freedoms)
- Salary (many maids have a network of family members back home who rely on her for financial support)
- Allowances (provisions for food, toiletries, mobile phone, etc)
- Type of work and responsibilities (workload and demands)
- Weekly time off, and daily work hours.
Where do I process the paperwork?
You will need to go to the MOI (Ministry of Interior, Immigration and Passports), as well as get your domestic helpers medical, fingerprints, and more. See our handy map for general reference for locations and contact info.
Do I need to provide life insurance?
Yes. This is a new requirement (for filipino nationals). You can purchase this insurance for ±200-300QAR from several insurance providers. The most common life insurance providers for filipino maids are: General Takaful, and Qatar Islamic Insurance.
How can I help her adjust?
We're glad you asked. It's all about trust and respect and consideration. Read our Qatar Maid On-boarding document. It's important that employers try to make a comfortable home for their nanny or maid. Provide her with food or an adequate allowance for groceries and necessities. Most employers also provide or pay an allowance that covers: basic mobile data, internet, a furnished room with TV and private bathroom.
We recommend you make an orientation with your nanny or maid, clearly setting out expected tasks, working hours, family expectations, and tour of your home and the facilities. Let your maid or nanny know the laws and her rights and responsibilities. It is important to set the tone of your relationship and establish the boundaries so everyone can work in a respectful and collaborative environment.
Employers and their maids will also benefit from introducing the maid or nanny to other maids in the area, family friends, and the location of nearby conveniences. Try to see the world from your maids perspective and understand her fears, anxieties, and needs. A maid or nanny that is comfortable and welcome in your home will likely provide better care for your family.
Interview questions for a nanny?
Knowing whom you may be hiring is critical to a successful relationship. Keep in mind that potential candidates will be eager to get the job and may say yes to many questions and requests. We have found a wonderful list of interview questions at the Expatwoman site online. You can find them here.
What does she need for vacation?
Your domestic helper will require an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) to come back from her home country. This is an 'exit pass' that is a requirement of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) to ensure that overseas Filipino workers (OFW) are properly documented and protected. Maids can apply online in person while they are still in Qatar by first creating an account on www.bmonline.ph and then going to the POLO OWWA office in Doha for a certified document. IF the maid is in the Philippines, she can apply in person to the nearest POEA office.
What are my contractual obligations?
You can cancel a maids contract at any time. This is typically due to relocation or change in family circumstances The only requirement of you is to provide her a return ticket to her home country. Typically maids prefer to stay in Qatar and simply transfer to another sponsor as soon as possible. It is common courtesy to provide her with as much notice as possible, and 2-4 weeks severance salary. **Note that if you are staying in Qatar and cancel a maids visa prematurely, you will face a penalty period before you can hire another maid.
Is my online payment info secure?
There’s always a risk when sharing payment information online, even with a secure platform like Stripe. While the payment processor claims to be secure, breaches can happen. Additionally, even if your information is not stored by us, it is crucial to consider that data can be vulnerable during transmission or due to potential weaknesses in the security infrastructure. This means we do not sell your information or spam your email inbox. See our terms and privacy policy.
Is Doha Nanny an agency?
No, Doha Nanny is not a legal agency, which means they do not offer formal oversight or protection regarding visa processing, hiring, or employment management. This lack of formal agency status raises concerns about the potential for misuse of personal information, as there are no legal safeguards in place to ensure that your data is handled responsibly. Without legal accountability, there's a risk that your information could be misused or stolen, and you may be exposed to fraudulent activities..
Are the nanny profiles verified?
While the platform claims that members agree to provide truthful information, there is no third-party verification process in place. This reliance on self-reporting means there could be inaccuracies or false information that goes unchecked, potentially leading to mismatches or issues in finding suitable candidates.
Do the listed maids & nannies live in Qatar?
Although the platform prioritizes local nannies, there’s no guarantee that all profiles listed are accurate or up-to-date. It’s possible that some nannies might not be currently residing in Qatar or might not have updated their location information.
Do nannies have to pay?
While the platform states that nannies do not have to pay, there could be hidden costs or potential indirect fees involved. Without a fee structure or transparency about potential costs, nannies might face unexpected expenses or conditions not clearly outlined upfront.
Terms of service.
Our community is built on trust and reputation. We can all do our part to maintain our community standards. If you wish to report a member for violating our terms of service or general misconduct, please email us at: [email protected].
What is a PRO?
This refers to a Public Relations Officer; A PRO is an individual, often working for a professional corporation that provides visa and immigration services. A good PRO or mandoob is able to ensure your paperwork is processed quickly and with not issues or setbacks.
What is an illegal maid?
Maids and nannies can legally only work for their sponsor. If you hire a maid or nanny on an informal basis, you are in violation of the labor laws. While this has been reported to be a common practice, it is putting both yourself and your maid in jeopardy. The employer and employee both face significant fines and possible cancellation of their work visa, resulting in deportation. A maid that is working illegally has few legal protections and places herself in extreme danger of being exploited or mistreated. We recommend employers thoroughly ensure their maids can legally work for them.
Is it legal to charge a transfer fee?
The law clearly states that it is illegal for a sponsor or third party to charge a fee to transfer sponsorship. Some employers may terminate their maid contract prematurely and seek to recover some of the agency or visa fees incurred in bringing the nanny to Qatar. While the rationale may make sense to some, this is strictly speaking, a form of human trafficking. (Imagine if your employer were to charge a fee in order for you to take a new job).
How do I find a trustworthy maid/nanny?
Trust your instincts and social cues when interviewing a nanny. Be wary of long stories or unusual demands. Our members must agree to our terms of accuracy and honesty, but the onus is on the employer to verify a maid or nannies credentials.
Hiring a maid or nanny seems complicated...
There is certainly a bit of paperwork involved but with the right information and documents you should be able to hire and process a maids visa in relatively few steps with minimal delay. A nanny or maid can provide immense relief for your family. Hiring a nanny also provides a vital financial support for her dependents. Many families find that having a nanny is one of the best decisions they can make when living overseas. We hope we've helped you in your nanny search.
Warm regards,
Your Doha Nanny team.